107 high school and 22 junior boat teams took part in the event (Photo: Submitted)
Tennessee B.A.S.S. Nation high school and youth anglers visited the Cumberland River in Ashland City for their last qualifying event of the 2022-2023 school year on April 22 and 23, 2023.
The field consisted of 107 high school boat teams and 22 junior boat teams from across the state of Tennessee.

The top high school was Soddy Daisy with a top three combined weight of 37.57 pounds; the top junior division program was Sumner County with a combined weight of 13.52 pounds.
Mason Mullins and Caden Graham from Soddy Daisy High School won the high school division with five fish for a total weight of 17.90; they also took "Big Fish" with a 5.89 smallmouth bass.
Hudson Clark and Jackson Leath from Sumner County won the junior division with a five fish limit for a total weight of 11.19;
Ayden Akin and Trace Ashby of Montgomery County took home "Big Fish" for the juniors with a 4.96 smallmouth.
Tennessee B.A.S.S. Conservation Director Captain Jake Davis says all teams reported catching between 25 to 80 fish; 75% of the field-weighed legal fish and fish weighed-in were returned alive and well to the Cumberland River.
Full results can be found at www.tnhsbasstrail.com
