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Sen. Roberts Anticipates Full Recovery

Friday, October 9, Senator Kerry Roberts suffered a subarachnoid hemorrhage.

Today, he remains in the Neuro Intensive Care Unit and continues to experience vasospasms. These vasospasms place him at risk for a stroke and require him to be under careful monitoring.

This Wednesday marked the first day of significant decline in vasospasms. With further improvement, he is expected to be released as early as next week.

His medical team continues to anticipate a full and complete recovery and his recovery timeline remains within expectations for a brain hemorrhage.

Sen. Roberts said, "I am very thankful for all of the prayers, calls, cards, and texts from those who have expressed their concerns. Due to the severity of headaches, I have not been able to take phone calls, text messages, and emails, except to communicate with family members who are not able to visit because of COVID-19 protocols. I have been touched by so many kind messages and look forward to responding soon."


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