-Micca Terrell
A newly revived Strategic Planning Task Force will help guide the growth and development of the town of Pleasant View into the future. “This was a task force that was never abolished, and I am bringing it back,” said Bill Anderson, Mayor of Pleasant View, during a December 21, 2020 city workshop meeting.
The Task Force was originally created in February 2001, and the resolution approved by the city council said the body would “develop a shared vision for the Town, develop an assessment of important citizen issues, and review the Town as a system. The committee shall act solely as an advisory committee to the Board of Mayor and Aldermen on issues affecting the future of the Town of Pleasant View.”
Anderson named the members, which include business owners Kelly Ellis of Livery Stables Event Hall, Teresa Young of Street Coffee, and John Nelson of Flytes Brewhouse. Citizens named to the task force include Mark Smith, David Staton, and Erin Bartoszek. Board member Danny Rediker and PJ Duncan, Chief of the Pleasant View Volunteer Fire Department, are also on the task force, as well as Scott Morrissey from the Building and Codes Department, who will be working as a planning and zoning staff liaison with Mark Goins, Building Commissioner.
Task Force member Kelly Ellis said she was honored, as a business owner and longtime resident, to be asked to help provide input on where Pleasant View’s tremendous growth will be focused. “We need planned and organized growth and development. Having lived here 30 years myself and my husband Tommy living here all his life, we have seen some good changes and we have seen some that were not so good. Our community has so much undeveloped open land, that we need well laid out design for these spaces,” as well as a smart plan for sales tax dollars from tourism, Ellis said.
The Task Force plans to do research into the growth and development issues for the community, as well as look closely at infrastructure with Cumberland Electric and Pleasant View Utility District, she said, but the group works strictly in an advisory capacity and has no power.
The Task Force met in mid-January and will meet again in March, Ellis said, with meetings on the third Tuesday of each month at City Hall. She said citizen input is welcome, and folks are invited to share their ideas with the group.
