Stella Inell Robertson Morgan, age 92, went to be with the Lord on Thursday, May 11, 2023. She was born on January 15, 1931 in Nashville TN to the late Ward Romeo Robertson and Lydia Bettie Shoemake Robertson. She is predeceased by her two sisters Rilla King Moran Woods and Elizabeth Wardean Robertson Wright.
Stella is survived and missed by, son, Ward Idell Moran (Sherry), daughter, Beverly Sue Munson (Bill) and daughter, Elandra Moran Eigel (Dillard). Her memory lives on with her grandchildren Jerry Eigel, Morgan Moran, Samantha Moran, Emily Moran, Tammany Carter, Senthy Carter Spears. Great-grandchildren, Corbin, Kaden, Ty, Kyra, Ava, Michayla, Amelia, Amory, Jerry, John, Brendan, Elizabeth, Lauryn, Dairyne and Dixie.
Stella lived a long and full life filled with family, friends and travel. She lived in Pleasant View TN for 30+ years and attended St Martha's Catholic Church where she enjoyed volunteer work to help with maintaining gardens, cleaning the church, preparing meals and various other activities. She retired from working for the State of TN then became a caregiver for the elderly. Anyone who passed by her home on Main St could tell she had a love for gardening, she also was an accomplished seamstress. Stella enjoyed hosting holiday gatherings for her family. She was fondly known as 'happy wheels' because she loved to take off and go on excursions to Springfield, Clarksville or Ashland City for a meal or shopping.
We will miss our Mother, Grandmother and GreatMother, as she was called by her great grandchildren. We are so grateful for the time we had to spend with her and we will always feel her presence in our hearts and many memories.
A celebration of life and memorial service will be held Saturday, June 17th at Ridgewood Cemetery in Carthage TN at Noon.