(Photo: Daryell Smith)
A historic marker honoring the late Pat Head Summitt was erected Thursday, October 22, in Henrietta on Highway 12 near Hazel Drive. It was then unveiled on Saturday, October 31, in a small ceremony that paid tribute to her legend.
"I realized about a year and a half ago when I was gathering photos for the history wall in the lobby at Sycamore Square, that only green road signs welcomed motorists to Henrietta as the home of Pat Head Summitt," said Cheatham County Mayor Kerry McCarver.
"Other landmarks across the county had historic markers, and it was time to have one to honor Pat Head Summitt where she grew up and called Cheatham County home."
The Pat Head Summitt Historic Marker was paid for by funds approved by the Cheatham County Commission that came from the county's hotel-motel tax. The project, lead by Cheatham County Historian Lisa Walker, cost approximately $1,500.
