2021...Time for a New Beginning
Many of us are glad to see 2020 in our rearview mirror.
The Covid-19 Pandemic caught many of us by surprise, rearranged our goals and provided new perspectives. 2021 is now upon us and we have been given the opportunity to start today to create a very different ending!
UT/TSU Extension along with Cheatham County Public Library and South Cheatham Public Library will be offering a once a month virtual lunch-n-learn series to assist you in moving forward with a mindset of health and wellness in the new year.
Our first Lunch-N-Learn will be January 28 at Noon.
The topic will be “Appsolutely” Fabulous Health & Wellness Apps to help achieve your goals in 2021.
“One of my favorite quotes,” states Eichler, Family and Consumer Sciences Agent for UT/TSU Extension,
“is attributed to C.S. Lewis. You can’t go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you
are and change the ending.”
The Healthy Cheatham Lunch-N-Learn series is an effort to encourage all Cheatham County residence to start today making small changes that lead to brand new endings. Each month a new lunch-n-learn topic will be introduce. Other topics throughout the year will focus on adequate sleep, portion sizes, food safety, clean homes, meal preparation and stressing less.
The workshops are free however, we do ask for a registration. Registration can be achieved by visiting
Eventbrite: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/135703086585.
More information about this series can be obtained by contacting the UT/TSU Extension Office at 615-792-4420 or the South Cheatham Library 615-952-4752 or the Cheatham County Library at 615-792-4828. Can’t join us at noon?
By registering for the event, you will receive a link to be able to watch at your convenience.
Grab a healthy lunch and join us the fourth Thursday of the month for our Virtual Healthy Cheatham
Through its mission of research, teaching and extension, the University of Tennessee Institute of Agriculture touches lives and provides Real. Life. Solutions. ag.tennessee.edu/fcs