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Inaugural 'Book Walk' Finds Success, Next One Set for October 3

The Cheatham County Literacy Council, in collaboration with Cheatham County School District, brought the first ever “Book Walk” to East Cheatham Elementary School on September 12.

Over 100 people traveled a pathway through the engaging children’s book, Knots on a Counting Rope. In the book, a blind Native American child learns the story of his birth from his grandfather, with grandfather tying a knot in a rope with each retelling of the story.

Cheatham County families enjoyed walking a winding pathway, along which pages from the featured book had been posted in sequential order for them to follow. After each page was read, they moved to the next post, pausing periodically to answer comprehension questions posed by CCLC volunteers.

Participants collected beads to add to their story retelling bracelet. A sensory station was set up to simulate blindness, with students using other senses to identify hidden objects.

Snacks were provided, and every child received a new book of their choice to take home.

If you missed the first event, additional events are in the planning stages. The Book Walk is being planned for October 3 from 10:00 am-12:00 pm at John C. “Preacher” Poole Park, (behind Midway Supply) in Ashland City. The featured book will be Hallo-weiner! Participants will receive a goody bag in which to collect items along the walk, treats, and each family will receive a free book!

“Our group is always looking for more help spreading the love of literacy,” says Tammy Retchless, Chair of CCLC. “Membership is open to parents, teachers, and community members.”

For information or to join, please visit


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