While the official numbers have not yet been confirmed, the Cheatham County Election Commission has released the unofficial results to the August 6, 2020 State Primary and County General Election:
Cheatham County School Board District 2: John E Patrick (522 Votes, 60.35%)
Other Candidate: Derick Williams (343 Votes, 39.65%)
Cheatham County School Board District 3: Tim Ray (608 Votes, 53.85%)
Other Candidate: Jennifer Hamblin (521 Votes, 46.15%)
Cheatham County School Board District 6: David Risner (1,012 Votes, 100%)
Property Assessor: Cindy Dozier Burney (5,816 Votes, 100%)
Road Superintendent: Robert Hester (5,788 Votes, 100%)
Pegram Mayor: John Louallen (399 Votes, 65.56%)
Other Candidate: Eugene Evans (183 Votes, 31.44%)
Pegram Alderman: Bob Sanders (456 Votes, 56.23%)
Other Candidate: Rankine Roth (355 Votes, 43.77%)
TN House District 78- Rep: Mary Littleton (3,338 Votes, 74.76%)
Other Candidate: James Gupton Jr. (1,127 Votes, 25.24%)
TN House District 78- Dem: Holly Spann (1,739 Votes, 100%)
Additional Information:
Cheatham County has 25,551 registered voters.
There were 6,609 total ballots cast in this election.
25.87% of eligible voters cast their ballot in this election.
Party Distribution: 4,686 Republican, 1,889 Democratic, and 34 Non-Partisan