Included in the information released by the Cheatham County School District following their July 30 special-called meeting, is the protocol to be followed in the event a staff member/student is exposed to someone sick with COVID-19 or if they are sick themselves.
Here are the two scenarios outlined by the district:
Within a Household:
If a student or staff member has a positive COVID-19 test in their household, they must report it to their school and quarantine at home for at least 14 days. The quarantine period must include 72 hours of being symptom free. During this time, if the student remains healthy and without symptoms, they will be expected to complete virtual learning opportunities/instruction.
Within the District:
If a positive COVID-19 case is identified within the district, the Cheatham County School District will contact the Cheatham County Health Department and assist with contact tracing. The district will close down identified school(s) for two days for disinfecting and contact tracing. Virtual instruction will take place during these two days. Individuals identified to have been in *close contact* with an infected person will self-quarantine for 14 days. During this time, if the student/staff member remains healthy and asymptomatic, they will be expected to complete virtual learning opportunities/instruction. All others not identified as close contact will be allowed to return to the building(s) following cleaning.
Return to school following a positive COVID-19 case of student/staff member requires a release from a physician/medical provider.
**The guidelines of "close contact" include the following:
• Living in the same household as a sick person with COVID-19
• Caring for a sick person with COVID-19
• Being within six feet of a sick person with COVID-19 for a period of 10 minutes or longer
• Being in direct contact with secretions from a sick person with COVID-19 (i.e.: being coughed on, sharing utensils, etc.