During the recent pandemic, so many people have been busy working on their yards and gardens. Many have planted a vegetable garden for the first time or just expanded their landscaping. Our homes have become our sanctuary, especially our landscapes. If you would like to learn more about gardening and all things horticulture, becoming a Cheatham County Master Gardener might be for you!
This year’s class may look a bit different. Typically class is offered in person, but both presenters and class participants will have the option of face to face meetings or online through the zoom platform. Class space will be limited to10 people for appropriate social distancing. Masks and hand sanitizer will be available for all participants as well to do everything we can to ensure participants are safe.
Cheatham County Master Gardeners are trained volunteers who help the UT/TSU Cheatham County Extension Office share the latest and greatest gardening information! All volunteers are trained with 40 hours of horticulture classes and return 40 hours of volunteer service through the Extension Office.
State-wide there are approximately 2,000 active Master Gardeners in 46 counties. In Cheatham County, there are over 150 Master Gardeners who have completed the course work. Master Gardeners who continue to participate in the program return at least 25 hours of service with a minimum of 8 continued education hours annually.
Nationally, there are approximately 80,500 active Master Gardener volunteers in US and Canada with an estimated 3,365,870 volunteer hours.
The Master Gardener Program is offered by both The University of Tennessee and Tennessee State University in Cheatham County. Its main goal is to increase the availability of horticultural information to improve quality of life with community garden/ landscape programs. This is only possible through the training and utilization of local volunteers. These volunteers, known as Master Gardeners, aid Extension by running plant clinics, answering phone requests for horticultural information; establishing and maintaining demonstration gardens; working with the handicapped, youth, the elderly, and other special groups in the community; designing and implementing community involvement projects; as well as coordinating Master Gardener training programs.
In Cheatham County, Master Gardeners have spent hours on the Native Flower Garden at Turkey Junction along the Cumberland River Bicentennial Trail, the Cheatham County Courthouse, Government Services Complex, Kingston Springs Public Library, and pollinator gardens at both Cheatham Dam and Unity Covenant Church.
Master Gardeners are also involved in many other projects in their own community. Each spring, Master Gardeners also have a plant sale that shouldn't be missed.
To be involved as a Cheatham County Master Gardener, you must take the Master Gardener class in either Cheatham County or any Tennessee County. Registration is currently open for class beginning on September 29th. The registration deadline is September 11th. Forms are available online at https://cheatham.tennessee.edu. Please email Master Gardener Coordinator, Sierra Knaus at sknaus@utk.edu for more information.