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Cheatham County Preps for August Election Amid Pandemic

Cheatham County’s Election Office is hard at work preparing for voters in the upcoming State Primary and County General election on August 6, 2020.

Due to the current health crisis, there have been some necessary location changes to ensure that social distancing guidelines can be met.

First, the Election Office will no longer be used as an early voting site. The new location for Early Voting in Ashland City will be at the David McCullough Community Room in Sycamore Square.

Second, voters in the 5th district who previously voted at the Greenbrier Church of Christ, will now cast their vote on Election Day at the newly constructed Petway Fire Hall, located at 2857 Petway Rd.

The polling location changes were made with voter safety in mind, as well as the safety of poll workers, who make it possible to conduct these elections year after year. Every precaution is being taken for voters to feel comfortable and at ease when they enter a precinct to exercise their voting privilege. Some of the preparations being made that voters will immediately see are hand sanitizing stations, social distancing markers, and disposable stylus pens for signatures and contactless ballot marking.

Personal protective equipment will also be worn by all poll officials.

There are many valid reasons someone might wish to vote Absentee By-Mail, but any eligible voter who does not feel comfortable voting in person, due to COVID-19, can now also request to vote Absentee. The deadline to make this request is July 30, 2020.

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