Earlier today, approximately 150 demonstrators lined Main Street in Ashland City in front of the courthouse to show their support for Black Lives Matter.
While counter-protestors were also present, the gathering was considered peaceful and no incidents of harm were reported.
“Our goal was a safe protest,” said Cheatham County Sheriff Mike Breedlove, despite local agencies only having a few days to prepare without knowing what to expect.

While uniformed and plain-clothed agents from around the county all contributed to pulling off a safe event, Breedlove said that the Murfreesboro Police Department also helped immensely by coming out on Friday to help local agencies organize and prepare.
“The information and expertise they were able to share from their experience was priceless,” he said.
The Montgomery County Sheriff’s Office, the Clarksville Police Department, and the Robertson County Sheriff’s Office were on standby in the event they were needed.
Cheatham County resident and event attendee, Tangela Richardson, said, "I was very humbled by those who attended the BLM rally today. The entire premise is sometimes missed by those not affected by the mistreatment. No one is saying that all lives do not matter, and to think otherwise is disingenuous. “Black Lives Matter” is a chant to bring light to the police brutality. Also, it puts a spot light on discriminatory actions of those who feel that black people can’t be or don’t belong in certain places because of the color of skin. The criminal justice system is supposed to have equal justice for ALL."