O’Brien’s Southern Diner owner, Candice Beasley, is no stranger to giving to the less fortunate.
This Thanksgiving season, she is supplying local homeless and those in need with items like toiletries, food, blankets, winter shoes, and coats.
“What better way to give thanks than to touch the lives of others struggling with hard times,” says Beasley who currently has 36 children on her list.
At the time this article was published, Beasley had already raised over $700 for her charitable endeavor.
To be put on the recipient list, text your needs to (615) 594-9788. Items will be delivered on November 26 and 27.
“Right now, I am in desperate need of insulated sleeping bags, Ziplock bags, drawstring bags, cold medicine, cough drops, and chapstick,” Beasley says.
To donate, drop off items at O’Brien’s Southern Diner which is located at 2905 Highway 49 West in Ashland City or call (615) 594-9788 to arrange pickup.
“Thank you so much for helping me pull of small miracles all the time,” Beasley says of her many supporters.