Are you a beef cattle producer or enthusiast who likes to keep on the cutting edge of the beef industry and technology?
If so, you are invited to attend the 2019 UT/TSU Cheatham County Extension “Beef Producers Night Out.” The dinner/educational program is open to all beef cattle producers and will be held at The Livery Stables in Pleasant View, at 6:30 pm on Tuesday November 12.
A beef dinner, sponsored by the Cheatham County Cattlemen’s Association will be the first item on the agenda. Following the meal, Mr. Kevin Thompson, director of the UT Middle TN Research and Education Center, will conduct a presentation on “Improving Fertility in the Beef Breeding Herd.”
Ronnie Barron, UT/TSU Cheatham County Extension Director, will go over “Winter Hay feeding Strategies – Get the Best Bang for Your Buck.”
We cordially invite any interested individuals to attend.
For more information on this event or other Extension educational programs, please contact the UT/TSU Extension at 615-792-4420 or contact Ronnie Barron at