To all concerned citizens and elected officials with authority:
After reading Mr. McCarver’s informative objective white paper; I’ve had the following idea:
My idea for the solution to our jail problem “kills two birds with perhaps one hard to swallow (raise taxes/get state, federal grants) stone”:
Let’s go BIG thinking about our future:
How would it work if we built a new CCCHS centerpiece symbolizing what we WANT to represent our county values and beauty? Instead of the debate about the care of prisoners, Switching the focus to a positive “FOR” proposal might be an easier sale for increased taxes. After building the new high school plant, renovations and additions could be made to the current CCCHS plant to become a model of rehabilitation for adult men and women. (One day a juvenile detention if needed.) Also, we could move the court rooms and Sherriff’s offices there, have a medical “pod”, an alcohol/drug program “pod”, visitation area, exercise facility, vocational and educational “pods”, etc. I know additional buildings for housing would be necessary, and I believe/hope tax payers could get behind the Commission spending more initially FOR something instead of just focusing on those breaking the law. I imagine I don’t know all the immediate reasons WHY we CANNOT do this (such as having to annex distance from current city limits to include CCCHS into city limits. I believe we CAN if we have the WILL! (Raise taxes one good time, instead of pennies and a fight yearly).
I know the Commission voted to buy Leeland Station; can it be resold to developers with a reasonable building plan for another project? Due to location, it will never be a bad County investment.
Attraction and Pride (spending and investing for the future generations and Maintainence of our county’s beauty)for current and new residents is the message I would like to see us financially support.