Current Cheatham County Sheriff Mike Breedlove pulled a petition on February 14, signaling his intent to run a second term as county sheriff in the August 2 election.
"I hope Cheatham will accept my request to serve another term as their sheriff. There is more work to do in making our county a safe place to come home to, and I will never waiver in making that happen,” says Breedlove.
Breedlove, a longtime resident of Kingston Springs, has a lengthy resume in law enforcement that includes a 30-year career as a special agent with the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation (TBI) and a stint as a Metro Nashville police officer. Breedlove graduated from Aquinas College and Middle Tennessee State University with a degree in Criminal Justice; he is also an FBI National Academy graduate.
During his first three years as county sheriff, Breedlove has aggressively combated the drug and opioid problem and been a strong advocate for school safety.
If reelected for another term, Breedlove says that his “war on drugs” will not cease. “…And neither will my drive to incarcerate as many dealers who are behind these senseless deaths,” he vows.
As of release of this article, no other petitions have been issued for the position of sheriff.
Important Dates
Last Day to File: April 5, 2018 at Noon
Withdrawal Deadline: April 12, 2018 at Noon
Last Day to Register to Vote Before Election: July 3, 2018
Early Voting Begins: July 13, 2018
Early Voting Ends: July 28, 2018
Election: August 2, 2018