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Cheatham County Board of Education Seeks Full-time Nutrition Supervisor

The Cheatham County Board of Education is seeking a full-time nutrition supervisor.

Required Education/Experience:

Bachelor’s degree or equivalent educational experience* with academic major in specific areas;**


Bachelor’s degree in any academic major and state-recognized certificate for school nutrition directors;


Bachelor’s degree in any academic major and at least two years

of relevant school nutrition programs experience;


Associate’s degree or equivalent educational experience* with academic major in specific areas,** and at least two years of relevant school nutrition programs experience.

Applicants must also hold a valid Driver’s License and Evidence of Insurability.

** Specific Majors/area of concentration: food and nutrition, food service management, dietetics, family and consumer sciences, nutrition education, culinary arts, business, or a related field

Applicants may apply online at or send current resume, letter of interest, copies of diplomas and certifications, and a minimum of three professional references to the following address by Friday, September 22, 2017.

Cheatham County Board of Education

Attention: Human Resources

102 Elizabeth Street

Ashland City, TN 37015

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