In celebration of National Honey Bee Day, which was actually August 19, the Cheatham County Beekeepers' Association, UT Extension, and Master Gardeners teamed up to bring a fascinating program to 3rd and 4th-grade students at East Cheatham Elementary.
"I feel it is so important for our students to understand the roll that bees play as pollinators and how this effects our plants", stated Robin Johnson. Students learned about the various types of bees: field bees, nursery bees, drones, and the all- important queen bee. And, students learned about how bees produce honey.
Then, it was time for students to put what they had learned into action! Students got the opportunity to actually play the role of an assigned bee as they built their hive, collected pollen, brought it back to the hive, fed baby bees, capped the cells in the hive, and many other jobs.
"This program was so very creative and something I know that we will want to build on and do again next year. This is just another example of how our community members are volunteering their time and are in our schools to bring new and exciting programs to our students," remarked Claudette Fizer, Parent and Community Engagement Coordinator for Cheatham County Schools.